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On the seventh day of Beermas I went and got for me
A taste of one of seven seas
Six alarms a-ringing
A high-powered ring of fire
Four silent moths
Three frisky parrots
A bottle but not two cans
And more than half a liter of perry

As I have said before, there are a damn lot of birds in this song. Although there are quite a few breweries or beers that have a bird on the label, after a few years it gets a little bit difficult to find a new one. Gotta be creative. Swimming, right? Number seven? Everybody’s heard of the Seven Seas and that’s water. It fits! Maybe it’s also kind of an excuse to sit down with a Basqueland, and a Baltic porter at that. Hopefully Baltic Storm wouldn’t sink a flock of swans braving the elements.

Just the stream of it out of the can is tootsie roll brown, but it collects into a handsome near-black beverage in the glass. Head is somewhat scanty but aroma is strong. It has a firepit quality to it, very smoky and nose-tickling. Maybe the wood that could have built a ship, or a plank, is in the background too. The smoke doesn’t quite translate into the flavor, coming out as toasted but still grainy bread. I feel like there’s something chocolatey too, but not bitter baking chocolate and not sweet and rich spreads. Maybe it’s a sugarless mocha that I’m imagining. As always with Basqueland, it’s well-made and a pleasure to drink. If the rum runs out it’s a foolish sailor that would complain about this tempest in a cup.

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