A final splurge from Birra Y Paz for the summer, Valhalla Ragnarök mead. I’m a little apprehensive, what with temperatures going up again, but it’s not a fruited mead so I don’t expect it to be too sweet. I’m not sure if it’s going to be a hoppy mead, which I’ve been told is a thing, but it is one of their special products, very simply made with a nod to history and care.
It sounds violent if I say I’m assaulted by a sweet pastry aroma as soon as the liquid hits the glass, but there is a viking on the bottle, so it fits. It’s not a cloying excessive kind of sweetness, it’s the expected honey and a little bit of wine in the background. It’s a very fizzy drink, with a head that bubbles up a lot at first and dies down just about as fast., leaving a little ring around the outside of the glass. Colorwise, it’s something like a cider, very clear and a tannish gold. The flavor is meady, full honey, but not sticky. There’s a hint of fruitiness lurking, maybe cherry or raspberry. It has a sour tail that stings a little as a goodbye from the sip, but overall it’s a very clean and smooth drink.
Supplier: Birra Y Paz
Price: €4.85