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tinta de verano

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Weather patterns are strange things. Last summer was unbearable straight through, and this summer is only intermittently so. It’s bad when it’s bad, though, makes you feel like hibernating. The best I can do, I think, is turn to Oso Brew, with their snappy label designs and wild pastry stouts and sours. Or maybe not so wild this time, Tinta porter is actually a very laid-back can in comparison with others.

Perhaps a little extra bubbly, and with murderous bubbles at that. You can see them attacking the head and eating it away from the second you stop pouring. The color is nice, rich chocolate brown, and the aroma sends up tendrils of plum and cocoa. Yes, you might think it’s more appropriate for colder days, but I will not be denied my dark beer at any time of year. The chocolate carries over into the flavor, with shades of fruit – I can’t quite tell if it’s more cherry or raspberry, but it is a lot like those fancy dark chocolate bars with bits of fruit in them. Maybe more cherry, like the ones with chili and cherry gel. The taste is pleasant and mouth-filling, although the beer doesn’t feel very heavy in itself. There is a slight trail of aftertaste, leaving hints of smoke. It’s a happy little beer, maybe not as elaborate as Oso’s pastry stouts, but it gives you something extra in the style, something that leaves you well satisfied.

Supplier: Be Hoppy
Price: €4

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