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this little bear

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After weeks of warmer than usual weather, spring has returned! It makes me think I should have saved that stout from a couple of weeks ago. Oh well, there’s nothing wrong with a little light beer on a rainy evening, and Oso Brew know how to make light beers too. I think I remember their table beer from a Beermad of the past, now canned in a hot and swimsuit worthy color. Mesa ought to be just the thing you’re ready to grab whatever the weather.

It’s a summery gold color and the head is a clean white while it lasts. There are promises of IPA-like fruit aromas, and there is a good whiff of citrus and maybe pineapple. It has a full beer flavor with just a touch of fruit, less bite-y than the aforementioned, more like mango or watery peach. There’s a strong breadiness that rushes out ahead of the end of the swallow and sticks around for a while after. The beer itself has a very light feel, predictable for its less than 4% alcohol, but the aftertaste makes it feel like a more corpulent one, with more presence than a beer that banks on its low ABV to be appealing. It certainly feels like a beer that could be at the table – a pre-meal drink, a midday break, the beverage of choice at dinner are all believable.

Supplier: La Mundial
Price: €4

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