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St. Peter’s Brewery

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Another pre-holiday holiday, so maybe it’s a good time to break out another seasonal beer. St. Peter’s has a safe place among beers, so it seemed like the way to go rather than another Belgian. There are plenty of days left to give another one a chance. Christmas Ale has a more festive label than their standard beers and promises some festive flavors as well.

Similar in appearance to Delirium, but less explosive. There’s kind of a fruitcake aroma to it, happy and light. But, there’s something else in there too, something dark and … peppery? It definitely has a stronger flavor than Delirium, but it’s a weird, kind of dishwatery flavor. Is the Christmas ale off? It certainly doesn’t have the spicy tastes that the label says, and there is that bit of cardboard that isn’t a great thing for a beer’s preservation status. It feels like it’s trying to come back from the poor first impression, throwing a little apple cider into the mix, but it just doesn’t come up to expectations. Kind of sad, but maybe we should be more used to disappointments these days.

Supplier: Más Que Cervezas
Price: €4.99
