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in the light of evening

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Oh dear, more pale beers!  This Hoppy Pilsner is from a new discovery, thanks to the calendar, Hoppit.  Their last contribution was quite pleasing, although no stout.  Now that the rain has stopped it’s starting to head towards more wintery temperatures around here, so a darker beer would be appreciated, but the extra light of La Llum might just be the thing to brighten my evening.

Pale, yellowy gold, pure white foam on top, it’s definitely a pilsner. It’s a little bit sharper and citrusier in smell than what I expect from regular pilsners. It is also very sharp in taste. It reminds me of a lemon candy, sour and puckery and first, but smoothed over with a sweet tail-end. It has a modern touch, not nearly the level of bitterness that more traditional pilsners have, a sting that pushes it towards IPA territory.
