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oso brewing

black bear

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Oso Brewing is one of the many little breweries doing Spain’s craft beer sector proud, with creative and surprising recipes popping out all the time.  I have been especially impressed with their pastry stouts in the past.  La Penúltima is no pastry stout, although it certainly looks like something you wouldn’t have as an appetizer.  13% beers don’t often leave a lot of room for the main course.

Extra thick and extra smooth, it looks like a melted milkshake but smells like an extra strong cocktail. It’s kind of a licorice-y aroma, a heavy perfume, with something recalling petroleum floating around. There’s a touch of licorice on the tongue, but the smooth soft-serve mouthfeel is much more noticeable. It starts out mild with just a touch of sweet but develops some rough edges with a little time, and starts to get sticky, no surprise given how thick it is from the beginning. It’s a very satisfying beer, although not one that you can really have a marathon drinking session with. Hell, it even slows me down a little, but that wouldn’t stop me from having another the next day.

Supplier: Lambeer

Price: €6.10
