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Suddenly, a large can!  I almost expect it to be a low or even another non-alcoholic beer, but it is Penthaus, Attik Brewing’s weizen bock.  A good style to fiddle with, connected to a very seasonally influencing country.  What I wonder is if it will lean into a champagne taste to go with its name.

It’s oddly dark for a weizen, but bubbly and sporting a jaunty little white head. The aroma is very standard beery, a little malty and a little grainy. The flavor is sweet-and-sour, with a little bitter punch at the end, sort of a reminder of warmer days past. Although bocks can have a sweeter and maltier flavor, this one’s almost sugary presentation is a bit of a surprise. The beer also has a pretty heavy mouthfeel, more like what you expect from bocks. It’s clean enough at first, but starts to layer up over the course of many sips. Certainly not champagne, or even cava, with enough attention you can start to sense clove and other spices sneaking out, but it’s definitely a more modern iteration of its style.

have a prize

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The World Cup is right around the corner, and while I don’t really care about that, I see from some advertising that Victoria Malaga is a sponsor of the Spanish national team.  Not a beer I know, so why not give it a try?  The spectators in Qatar aren’t likely to have a chance.  A quick look into the history of the brewery reveals a strong German connection, German brewmasters being brought in at the company’s beginnings and a happy German tourist being a memorable mascot mid-century.  Although the beer is named for the patron of Malaga, Our Lady of Victory, it does seem appropriate to sponsor a sports team.  Wishful thinking and all that.

As expected, very light, very foamy, a slightly sweeter aroma than many. A nice lager flavor, bready and malty, with a tiny hint of bitter skittering over the top. It has a disarmingly full mouthfeel, but then disappears right down the throat, making it both very satisfying to drink and quite easy to go for another sip. However Spain does in soccer, the beer is a winner.
