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Lo Vilot


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On the fifth day of Beermas I went and got for me
A high-powered ring of fire
Four silent moths
Three frisky parrots
A bottle but not two cans
And more than half a liter of perry

For some reason the golden rings are even harder to match than all those damn birds. I feel a little creative this year and was inspired by the label of Lo Vilot’s Gazoleum. Flames can be golden and barrels have rings, so there ya go. A brandy barrel aged imperial stout is definitely high powered fuel, one that will burn bright and propel you far. You might get five miles away, see five counties (or whatever) from the air, or get your rockets to work in five stages. Lots of ways to get to five, and lots of ways to see rings. I think I might be subconsciously looking for ways to attach myself to stouts, one way or another.

Chocolatey color but little head, and there’s a mild hint of wine to the aroma. Maybe I’m just equating wine with alcohol in my head. The taste is heavy on the licorice, with a slight coffee aftertaste, and a slippery, oily mouthfeel. I was expecting a sweeter flavor from the brandy, maybe it contributed more to the aroma, but this has a definite modern stout experience about it. It doesn’t weigh on you too much, it feels like you could take it down without much trouble in not much time, which distinguishes this beer from many other barrel-aged ones. I’m not 100% sure that I mean that as a compliment, since we are looking at more than 10% alcohol, and even during the holidays we want to consume responsibly. This smooth mo-fo will go down a little faster than you might want, leaving you with an empty glass and a full head. Full of praise for stouts, that is. If you’re really lucky, maybe somebody will trade you a ring for the last sip. Fifth day down!
