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Cerveza Sanfrutos

route 666

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I was told, or warned, about this beer – El Demonio! It’s one of those fancy innovative stouts, but this time with chipotle instead of cinnamon or maple syrup. I’ve had chipotle stouts before, but usually they have some chocolate in there too. It looks like Sanfrutos has gone for more of a desert experience than a dessert one.

The beer looks robust and sticky, but doesn’t produce a lot of head. It does have a strong, smoky aroma, almost in the realm of rauchbiers, but with a spicy twist to it too. The chipotle attacks right away, snapping at tongue and palate, but it doesn’t go overboard. The background flavor is difficult to pick out, there’s a little smoke and savoriness, sort of meaty, but the pepper is what stands out. It has a certain amount of staying power, leaving a prickly trail for minutes after swallowing. It’s a little bit demanding, not the kind of beer you drink mindlessly while paying attention to other things. Oh, you can pay attention to other things, but you won’t be able to forget about this little devil of a beer.

Supplier: Más Que Cervezas
Price: €4.20

punching up

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Advent begins, but no calenbeer for me this year. There are some available, but even the most exotic looking ones are full of pale ales and/or lagers! It’s Christmas for chrissake! Isn’t it time for strong, dark, warming beauties? This year I’m collecting my own calenbeer, to ensure I’m not disappointed with anything. Well, since I like to try new things I guess I could be disappointed by something, but at least it won’t be the style. So, despite that little whine, my first beer isn’t even a stout or porter, but a barleywine. Hey, it’s strong, it has a seasonal kind of feel to it, it’s not a pale damn ale! This particular barleywine is a Sanfrutos creation, in a can that reminds me quite a bit of Garage designs. Maybe they share an artist. Maybe there’s some cross-pollination. Hopefully nobody comes to blows over Puñales.

Well, I didn’t promise myself black beers for my personal calendar, but it’s a pretty dark and toasty beer. Sort of a seared honey color with a sweet aroma that drapes itself in your nostrils. It’s the smell of Christmas liquors, I’d say, split between apple cider and rum. The taste is surprisingly subdued, not nearly as sweet and appley as I was expecting, much more woody in fact. Is there some oak involved? I’m getting more similarities to whiskey than to rum now. It also has a creamy kind of mouthfeel that I don’t associate with barleywines, but that makes it pretty easy to swallow without any syrupiness. The first calenbeer feels like a good start. I’m looking forward to what I have coming, and they might be a little less demanding than Beermas. But, you never know, do you?

Supplier: La Mundial
Price: €5.10
