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On the second day of Beermas I went and got for me
A bottle but not two cans
And more than half a liter of perry

This beer is calling out to be second, it’s very name is Tukan! Two…can. And it’s in a bottle. Is this one too cheap, too easy? At least it’s a bird! It’s also an IPA, so maybe we’ll have some tropical sensations to distract us from current weather. Attik has been included in beer Advent calendars, so I trust it will be up to the level of this special group.

Tropical breezes waft out immediately and the glass fills with roiling gold. There’s a pretty good head on it, very white and fluffy. With closer inspection, the aroma also contains some spicy and salty notes, caraway or rosemary maybe? The taste hits with fruit first, much like the scent, but doesn’t bring out the other spices very strongly. An aftertaste with some balancing savoriness starts to build up within a few sips, but the beer is mostly bright and sunny, with a touch of mango and melon. Day two down!


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On the first day of Beermas I went and got for me
More than half a liter of perry

Oh, that’s a big bottle, quite a size for a gift! It’s also a little bit of a lazy start – perry from the pear tree, not a lot of imagination there. But just wait, there will be twisted justifications coming. This is Samuel Smith’s Organic Perry, with a very traditional looking label and lettering. It isn’t a 7 or 8 percenter, like some of those seasonal beers, but even at 5% the amount of 550ml will do a little something to ya.

Looks a lot like champagne, actually, very bubbly and frisky. It’s a little darker than most champagne you come across, though. It has a winey smell to it too, which ought to make sense given that it’s also fermented fruit. There’s a hint of sulfur lurking in that aroma, and just a puff of it in the first sip. Otherwise, it’s on the sweet side of cider, not tart like some apples will give you. The carbonation adds a little sharpness to it, pulling back on the sweetness. It’s nicer than a lot of apple ciders, having a good balance in flavor, and although it loses plenty of carbonation over time, it stays light and easy to drink, not coalescing into syrup. First day down!


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On the first day of Beermas I went and bought for me

An icy raven looking needy

It’s the first day and I have to decide between bird or fruit.  In some ways it’s the easiest one to find something to represent it.  There’s something about a wintery old raven that makes you think of some solitary place, the loneliest number if you will.  Even the name of this IPA, Hold Me Tighter, brings up feelings of isolation.  Somehow I thought Wylie had a more jovial and social image, but I’m not complaining.

Minor explosion on opening, the beer is eager to escape and better existence outside its can. It’s a very pale IPA, sort of lemony, It’s very heady, with a bright white and fluffy cloud perched on a sea of dirty lemonade. Even the aroma evokes summery lemonade more than beer, with a lemon candy scent that just tickles the nose. The taste comes as a bit of a shock, wielding a much more bitter punch than you expect. It isn’t actually that bitter, but from the aroma you don’t quite prepare for it. It’s also pretty clean and even a little dry, leaning towards a wine sensation rather than juicy, sticky modern IPA. Left standing a while, more spicy notes start to come out in the smell, but the flavor doesn’t pick up much in the way of spice. It’s the sort of beer you wouldn’t mind having with you on a break from doing work in your orchard. Of pear trees, of course. Where a crow or even a partridge could find a place.
