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shelved treasure

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Many months ago I searched, unsuccessfully, for a Baltic porter. In fact, I haven’t seen any around for quite some time. Finally, one came into my line of sight as I examined shelves for style, name, and visuals. Not only was it a Baltic porter, it was a whisky barrel aged porter! The appropriately named La Calavera puts Dead Barrel Island in somewhat dangerously colored bottles – maybe the strength of this beer will beat back any sunlight – and lets it tempt all who walk by. Will this be a treasure discovered?

It’s shockingly winey in the nose, given that it’s whisky barrel aged, it reminds me quite a bit of some of the wine barrel aged stouts I’ve had at beer fairs past. I don’t get much head to bubble up on it, but the liquid looks like something dangerous and magical. The first sip has kind of a grape juice jacket, but it quickly gets shed to reveal a rough and raw whisky crust, followed by the earthy black beer center. It has more of a stout feel than porter, but that is kind of the nature of the Baltic style. I feel like there’s a little bit of sweetness there, but I can’t tell if it comes in from the beer or the whisky. While easy enough to drink, it feels like there’s a ghost remaining behind, fuming alcohol or something. It’s almost strange how easy it is, since it is really not a light beer at all. Still, if this was all that was left behind in a pirate’s treasure chest, it would be more than worth the trouble.

Supplier: La Buena Pinta
Price: €6.50

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