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dark dreams

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A week ago it was supposed to rain for days, but that dried up pretty quickly. I picked up a few black beers in anticipation, and now I feel a little bit cheated by the weather. But it’s hardly the first time for that. At least a Double Black IPA has some of the light and dark to fit in with any eventuality. Drunken Bros. has some good ideas, and some damn interesting label designs. It (the name of the beer, not just the pronoun) is one of a series, which can only stimulate the desire to find those beers and drink them too.

It comes out like a porter, dark chocolatey brown and fizzy head, but it has the unmistakable IPA aroma. With concentration you can pick up a little bit of toast, but it’s subtle. The taste starts out like an IPA, bitter but herbal, but it drags a good amount of burned toast behind it. Actually, it’s more like burned pizza crust, with the herbs infiltrating from the sauce. The beer feels light enough, but it leaves a sensation of tickliness after the swallow, like the carbonation has escaped the liquid somehow and decided to lie out on the tongue. The toastiness dies down after a while and a sort of marmalade develops in the flavor. The beer feels smoother and sweeter, oddly a little more like a blend of IPA and porter than at the start.

Supplier: Labirratorium
Price: €5.05

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