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sunny days

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What kind of year starts out with early summer temperatures before spring even officially starts? A damn hot one, I bet. Also full of fire, apparently. It’s getting to be a good time to be a minimalist, who doesn’t need a lot of time to pack up and isn’t too concerned about losing a few things here and there. Beer, though, you can just grab and drink. Especially a lager beer. Enter Basqueland’s Santa Clara Lager.

Lemony yellow and light head, with a mild bready aroma. It’s definitely the kind of beer that people typically look for when the weather gets warmer, although it also has its year-round fans. The flavor is much toastier than the smell, heavier and harsher. It really perks up the drink, to be honest, the aroma was a little too subtle to be very interesting. The feel is pleasant, with just enough body to be noticeable, but not overwhelming. It’s a sweet little lager, not too bad for the beach, but with enough bite to keep it safe on the street.

Supplier: Hop Hop Hurra
Price: €3

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