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On the fourth day of Beermas I went and bought for me

Four miles of nowhere

Three tropical tree eggs

Two staring wings

And an icy raven looking needy

Ok, this one is pretty close to the song, although the birds aren’t seen actually calling.  And there are only two, but the other two are just out of frame I’m sure.  And they are birds!  Probably calling their friends a long way off, in that desolate landscape.  Gekko Brew’s The Other End of Nowhere looks like it should be some dark beer, for a depressing sipping session, but it’s a NEIPA, so at least visually it ought to be pretty cheerful.  Some of those NEIPAs are a little abrasive though, and so strong they might leave you in a place you have to memory of going to.  This one is a pretty standard 6.5%, so I don’t think we’ll go that far.  If by chance we do, I guess there will be some calling involved.

This is one of those very juicy looking NEIPAs, with its cheery gold color and light cap of lacy foam. It has kind of a zesty aroma, orangey but with a little something extra. Caraway or some other spice maybe. The juice is echoed in the taste, although the beer is a slender and healthy feeling one, not an overwhelming mouthfeel, very light in body. It kind of evokes the hopelessness of the label, a sensation of being in complete solitude without even a beer to weigh you down.

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