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touch of perfume

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A present! Yay! A friend had gone to the lavender festival not far from Madrid, where musicians had performed and many snacks had been sold, and brought me back a lavender beer. It turns out about 10% of the world’s lavender comes from Brihuega! Not bad at all. I have the vague memory of coming across a lavender beer at a past Beermad, when they were still at the Railroad Museum, which I did not hate. I know because I have not hated a single Beermad beer. Could it have been the same maker? This bottle says it was made by a butcher shop, so perhaps not. But who knows? Maybe Carnicería Clemente got Vulturis or some other brewer to cook up and bottle a few years ago too. The beer contains wheat, so I’m expecting that that will be the overwhelming experience of the beer and the lavender will be more in the aroma without affecting the liquid parts so much.

Very light golden color, straw yellow at first but gaining in golden quality. Not a lot of head, and what there is fizzles off into a tiny ring around the edge. The perfume is double-edged; searching for the lavender, you do find it floating on top, but there’s a much stronger almost musky aroma coming in low. It’s a little more like a wet field than a field of lavender, at least based on the scents I’ve been exposed to. But maybe this is the more natural aroma before it gets processed? The taste starts out tingly, flower-sweet, with a sort of perfume essence to it, then rolling down into a more spicy-sour, a battle of field and hay barn. The flowers come back in the aftertaste, although I don’t think I would be able to identify them as lavender if I didn’t know. Whenever something tastes flowery I default to clover. It has a quality of a sour beer without being especially sharp and yet it’s not a beer that you would drink without even thinking. It makes me wish I had a cheese board or something, it’s a beer that would not be harmed by a little mellow snack to take the edge off the bite of nature.

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