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Ah, I remember this one!  It’s still not a black beer, but it’s something special – Oso Brewing’s Frutal III, a Berliner Weisse with strawberry and blackcurrant.  You’d expect something on the sweet side, but the sour of the weisse really dominates.  I got my first taste this summer at Gaztambirra, impressing, although not quite inspiring, my drinking/debating buddies.

It’s a little lighter than I remember, but I might be remembering a late-night beer a little unreliably. It does have the bitter-fruity aroma and the slightly pink head. The beer appears to be full of bubbles and somewhat cloudy. It is a bit wine-y again, with a sharp and bitter tanginess, like cheap wine and grapefruit juice mixed together. It also has a feeling of unsweetened cranberry juice. I don’t really detect any strawberry, but the blackcurrant might be there in the tang. The color is right for the season, but it’s a light and tickly beer, not what I look for an a dark near-winter night. I find my weisses are better suited to a summer evening. Well, looking forward I guess.
