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mother of beers

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Now this looks like a beer I should have had a few weeks ago! Still, better late than never. Of course the can was what caught my eye first, but it is also a desired imperial stout, and from Sibeeria! The design should tip you off to the specific type of stout therein. That’s right, Mexican hot chocolate! I think it will definitely be…Padrísimo.

It pours like a heavy stout, not quite liqui-gel but getting there. I manage to get a nice head of dark beige foam this time, and while it settles down to a much more unassuming level, it still looks like it will do the job. As I have been learning, if anyone knows how to make beer head work, it’s the Czechs. It’s surprisingly un-aromatic, with just a whiff of smoky fire lurking. Getting deep down into the glass, it seems like there’s a little chocolate in there too. The first sip is pure stout, just a little bitter and earthy, but that rolls back to reveal the chili infused chocolate. It’s only a touch of spiciness, a lot like the chocolates with chili bits. You get more spice in the aftertaste than in the mouthful itself. The chocolate part is lighter than I would expect; usually these types of stouts have a darker, baking chocolate character, but this one puts milk chocolate in mind. It’s a sweet middle-taste, lightening the touch of the heavy stout before letting the tickle of the chili follow everything down. The combination of a lighter chocolate and the uplift of chilis makes this stout a very easy drinker and happy company rather than the limelight seeker that some strong-flavored or higher alcohol beers can be. Está padre, de verdad.

Supplier: Más Que Cervezas
Price: €8.20
