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Brasserie du Bocq

happy surprise

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Another step into the lighter side with a specifically Christmas beer. Belgian, of course. And more than 8%, so that’s one for the Christmas party. I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of Bocq before, although I might have just forgotten, since I don’t go for Belgian beers as a general habit. I have definitely not tried Gauloise, even if I have had some other bit of brewing from them.

Dark ruddy brown liquid and barely beige fluffy head, festive looking and smelling. It has a very bright and cidery aroma, with hints of lemon and melon. The look makes me expect cinnamon or ginger, but I can’t pick it out. The taste is almost shockingly alcoholy, even knowing the strength of the beer ahead of time. It has a sort of liquid metal feel to it, slippery and moveable, but with a noticeable heft. Although there is a bit of a tang upfront, there isn’t the typical Belgian aftertaste, which I appreciate. I expected a little more of a warming effect, either from the strength or from the psychological idea of a Christmas beer, but it turns out to be a light touch, just a joy for the palate without burying you. As a final secret gift, there is cinnamon if you let the beer warm up a little more. As seasonal beers go, it’s a triumph!

Supplier: Labirratorium
Price: €2.85
