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the wolves

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February is still a dark month, although little by little the days get longer.  It’s especially noticeable in Madrid, it seems to me, more than in places I’ve  lived before.  The change is obvious even over a couple of days.  So, I guess I need some shade before it gets to bright for all my waking hours.  Laugar is one of the best breweries in Spain for black beers in my opinion, and it seems to me that I might have even come across Basatia in the wild.  No reason not to have a quiet evening at home with it anyway.

The head is very dark and foamy, but unstable, disappearing in a few seconds. It leaves behind a good looking liquid behind, though, and a thick stout-appropriate aroma. I get licorice, a little dirt, some heavy fruit. It didn’t look very thick pouring out, but the scent promises almost syrup. It’s pretty smooth in feel, but there is indeed some good heft to it, and less licorice than I feared. There isn’t much stone fruit or sweetness at all, but it’s not quite bitter. It’s a smoky, earthy beer, leaving a little toastiness in its wake, treading softly. Despite having some respectable mouthfeel, overall the impression is of a laid-back beer, one that you can easily have a conversation with, and it won’t push you out of your chair.

Supplier: Lambeer

Price: €3.90

shades and shadows

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A spooky beer for a spooky time, dark as night and full of surprises!  Of course, it has to come from a reputable place and Basqueland is one of the most reputable around.  This pastry stout has some extras in it, delicious raspberries, “berried alive” in fact.  What a way to Live Forever.

A beautiful black beer, with a thick looking cocoa powder head, surprisingly not as heavily scented as I thought. There’s some raspberry in there alright, and a touch of stout punch. It is not a heavy hitter in flavor either, sliding in very gradually with upfront fruity raspberry and only revealing a little bitterness almost in the aftertaste. Some chocolate starts coming up as well, leaving a feeling of a dark chocolate, raspberry jelly treat. Quality too, Lindt or some other fancy Belgian chocolatier. The feeling is a little scratchy after swallowing, like the tartness of a red fruit filling. Close attention also brings out a touch of campfire smoke, tinged with roasted marshmallows and fresh-made s’mores. It’s much more pastry than stout, but a good flavor for the holiday.

Supplier: Hop Hop Hurrah

Price: €7.80
